Our Current Fundraiser
Learn more about our initiatives & goals for our current fundrasier for the River Jordan Orphanage in Kenya, Africa.
Join us in making a difference.
Currently we are taking donations for the River Jordan Orphanage. There are 65 children living at the orphanage at this time.
Your donations made today will go towards the immediate needs of the orphanage.
See each below:
Well pump repairs to restore access to clean water.
Currently the children do not have access to clean water on-site at the Orphanage due to a failed well. Water must be retrieved daily from a distant location by walking an hour each way. Having immediate access to clean water available directly on the property would drastically improve the daily life and well-being of the children and the orphanage as a whole.
Building a new kitchen facility.
The orphanage’s kitchen, which is currently outdoors, desperately needs rebuilding to provide proper ventilation and a safe environment to cook and eat from. Their current kitchen is unsafe, small, and is unable to accommodate the daily needs of the children.
Essential health & wellness supplies.
Your donations will go towards stocking the supply room with daily necessities such as toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, soap, toothpaste and dish soap.